The Horticultural Bitches Podcast

We're not the experts, but we do know how to keep most of our plants happy. If you are intimidated by plants and have a hard time keeping those little bastards alive, then this might be the podcast for you! We talk about plants, plant related stuff, and some random shit along the way!

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Happy New Year Listeners!

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Happy New Year fellow plant lovers! Remember to finger your plants, and we will be back later in the month with more episodes! 

Episode 2 - Clearance Plants

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

On our second episode we discuss clearance plants and what to look for to if you don't have lots of plant spending money. We know not everyone has a high plant budget, this year especially!
We will be back after the New Year. Enjoy your Holidays listeners! 
You can find us on Twitter & Instagram @horticulturalbitches. Slide into them DM's and ask us some plant related questions! 

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020

In our debut episode we kick off with our ASMR With Plants segment and talk about Aloe Vera and Echeveria plants all while getting to know us a little bit. Natasha would prefer no one know her at all, but it's too late now! 

Slide Up Into Them DM's

Sunday Nov 22, 2020

Sunday Nov 22, 2020

Are you a beginner plant lover? Has this 2020 energy got you feeling like you need a jungle at home? Do you want to know what plants are best if you have no idea what the fuck you're doing? 
We can help! Ask us some questions! Go ahead and slide up into them DM's @horticulturalbitches on Instagram and Twitter! 

Teaser Trailer

Sunday Nov 22, 2020

Sunday Nov 22, 2020

Coming December 1st, 2020! The Horticultural Bitches with Natasha Veronica and Ramona Bush!

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